Let’s Get This Party Started!



Juicing basics


  • Feel good, clean, refreshed and whole

  • Reboot, reset, and heal your body – physically and mentally – from the inside out

  • Get glowing skin and eyes

  • Get mental clarity and increase energy

  • Flush out unwanted toxins from the environment we live in and the food we eat

  • Combat old patterns of eating such as abusing coffee, alcohol, and unhealthy foods – let’s get rid of those caffeine headaches!

  • Restore your alkaline balance

  • Combat digestive issues and bloating


For Monday pick up orders need to be placed Sunday by 5pm

For Tuesday pick up orders need to be placed Monday by 5pm

For Wednesday pick up orders need to be placed Tuesday by 5pm 

For Thursday pick up orders need to be placed Wednesday by 5pm

For Friday and Saturday pick up orders need to be placed Thursday by 5pm

How it works


Our fasts are made by cold pressing a wide range of fruits and vegetables in unique combinations to give you huge amounts of phytonutrients throughout the day. You are in fact flushing your body with loads of raw vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes (sans-fiber) in an easily digestible manner making them readily available for optimal absorption and healing. You are detoxifying and excreting toxins, fighting oxidative stress and inflammation, boosting your immune system and restoring your alkaline balance.

Take it from our nutritionist: “Juice fasting is an easy, beautiful way to reboot your body to be more alkaline, and, therefore, to be able to lose weight, heal, and reach full body wellness and potential.” -Jennifer Van Horn, Fruitive Nutritionist

What it does


Each of our packs are designed to cellularly alkalize your entire body and build up your alkaline reserves. At a cellular alkaline pH, your body is thought to heal and work more effectively; specifically, heightening your energy, cleansing your blood and organs, boosting your immune system, and helping your body to readily absorb nutrients. On the other hand, a more acidic cellular pH can adversely alter cellular metabolism and function. Consequently, we become more vulnerable to weight gain, premature aging, fatigue, bone loss and other disease. Thankfully, healthy bodies are equipped with alkaline reserves that can help neutralize acids (usually caused by unhealthy foods and drinks, stress and lack of sleep). However, the typical American lifestyle is filled with acidic-forming foods and stressors, which end up depleting these alkaline reserves. Let us help you become more alkaline and build back your alkaline reserves!

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 Why Juice with fruitive?

At Fruitive, one of our main philosophies on juice fasting is individuality. Everyone has a different reason for fasting and we want to celebrate that! Rather than designing our fasts around experience levels, we have formulated them around specific health goals – from rehabilitating your liver to rejuvenating your skin.

Made by cold pressing a wide range of fruits and vegetables in unique combinations, our juices provide large amounts of phytonutrients while never sacrificing flavor. There is approximately 6 to 9 pounds of produce in each Fruitive 6 pack, which is the equivalent of 6 to 9 large salads. We use heaping amounts of kale, spinach, and other nutrient-dense ingredients without the use of excessive fillers. We do not cut corners and never add water to our juices; rather we want to uphold the unique flavor of each ingredient. The produce in our juices is always triple-washed before being juiced, and delivered to you in glass bottles – the safest and most sustainable material we can find. To further our commitment to our customers, we offer consultations with our amazing nutritionist.

Behind our fasts, we have a nutritionist and an amazing kitchen staff who design, oversee, and taste-test all of our juices. Our team has many years of quality experience and a boundless passion for serving quality, nutritious food to our community.

From the design to the recipes, from the crafting to the coaching, our Signature Fasts are one-of-a-kind and a personal journey for each participant. Fruitive never sacrifices quality, and we do not expect you to either. Join us in making your health a priority.

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Can you exercise while juicing?

Yes, you can keep your normal workout routine. You will be surprised with how much energy you do have in most cases. However, do not overdo it, listen to your body.

Tip: If you are an athlete or simply have to continue a high-energy routine, we recommend adding an additional almond milk (either Coconut Almond Milk or Indulgence) to drink before or after your workout.

Will you Lose weight?

Most do. However it is very important to become aware and reflect on what you are normally eating so you are able to keep the weight off (if that is something you are looking to accomplish). Juicing gives you the chance to really look at the root of your nutrition. The idea is, you will feel better, and therefore you will eat better, and ultimately you will lose weight! To further deepen this result (if it is a desired result) sign up for a nutrition consultation, our nutritionist will be able to give you healthy tips and tricks for keeping the weight off, she can even supply you with plant-based recipes to enjoy during your pre and post-juicing process.

Can you change the order of the juices?

We recommend that you stick with the prescribed order. The fasts are designed with results in mind; consequently, the order of the juices are specifically selected to support your digestive system and help you get the most out of your juicing experience.  Please visit each individual juice page to understand the role that each juice plays within the juicing process.


How should I expect to feel?

Everyone is different; however, you should expect to feel some type of detoxifying effect, such as headaches (especially caffeine headaches if you’re an avid coffee drinker), fatigue, nausea, dizziness, hunger pains, diarrhea, gas, or bloating, especially on the first day. These “detox symptoms” will depend on how toxic you are, so be sure to get a lot of fresh air, drink plenty of water & herbal tea, relax and DO YOUR PRE-JUICING! Preparing your body for your fast is as important as the fast itself. Be sure to slowly, but surely, eliminate caffeine, alcohol, sugar, meat, gluten, dairy, and processed foods a few days before starting your juicing.