coco azucar

Also known as Coconut Sugar, Coco Azucar is a natural sweetner derived from the sap of the coconut palm. According to the Phillipine Department of Agriculture, coco azucar contains several nutrients, making it an alternative to traditional cane sugar or high fructose corn syrup. In addition to retaining nutrients from the palm, coco azucar also may have a lower glycemic index than traditional sugar, which is a major plus in our books!

Health Benefits
Lower glycemic index than traditional table sugar
Zinc, calcium, potassium, polyphenols, and antioxidants
Did you know?
Coco azucar is harvested in a two-step process: first a cut is made on the flower of the coconut palm and the sap is collected in containers, then the sap is placed under hear until most of the water has evaporated


vanilla extract

Vanilla beans often remind us of cupcakes and lattes, birthdays and candles, ice cream and rooibos tea… but have they ever reminded you of brain-power and pain-relief? We bet not. Maybe they will now as we explain the power of vanillin, a strong anti-inflammatory phytonutrient found in this orchid fruit. Vanillin, similar to capsaicin, is known to activate receptors that relieve pain, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function. Thus, making vanilla powerful anti-inflammatory, brain-powering beans. Not to mention, vanilla beans also provide a very relaxing, sweet flavor enjoyed by most everyone, even most die-hard chocolate lovers! This is why we add it to our super delicious (best ever) almond milks, because without it, they wouldn’t be the same!


Health Benefits
may alleviate anxiety, combats free radicals and oxidative stress, aids in weight loss, anti-inflammatory properties, anti-cancer benefits, mood enhancer, cognitive benefits (brain-food), aphrodisiac properties
Vanillin. Traces of manganese, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin
Did you know?
Vanilla beans have been regarded as aphrodisiacs, but there’s no scientific evidence to this claim, we are just going off of the way of ancient cultures.


maple syrup

With fewer calories and higher mineral content than honey, maple syrup may be your new go-to sweetener. Rich in manganese and zinc, this sweetener packs a little more than just its sweetness. Manganese is an essential enzyme cofactor in cell energy production and detoxification. While zinc is essential for healthy endothelial cells and a healthy prostate. But that’s not all, maple syrup is also loaded with antioxidant polyphenols providing anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and immune boosting properties. Who knew your waffle’s sidekick could have so much potential?

Health Benefits
provides a natural energy boost, supplies detox properties, provides endothelial cell annd prostate support, supplies anti-inflammatory benefits & immune boosting properties
manganese, zinc, polyphenols
Did you know? 
Maple syrup has been known to cause less gas and discomfort than most other sweeteners (both natural and artificial).


coconut sugar

Sweeten up your life with some coconut sugar. Why? #1. Comparatively, coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar, most likely from the fiber inulin, which helps lower glucose absorption. Moreover, inulin also boosts mineral absorption and supports good gut bacteria (inulin = prebiotic). #2. Coconut sugar is a dry ingredient, making it a great substitute in baking recipes that call for white or brown sugar - meaning you don’t have to convert anything in the recipe, unlike using a liquid sweetener like maple or agave. #3. It’s a beautiful dark tan color that looks scrumptious as a crumble topping. #4. Although very little, coconut sugar also has some traces of minerals - iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and a few other antioxidants. However, coconut sugar is still sugar, and we suggest you don’t over do it.

Health Benefits
relatively low glycemic index, prebiotic potential
inulin, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium
Did you know?

Coconut sugar has a neutral pH, thus it doesn’t add acidity to our recipes.


almond extract

Looking for a way to achieve total balance? While you're off meditating for mental clarity, don't forget that your inner body systems also benefit from balance. Think almonds! Almonds are filled with good fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, making them one of the most nutritionally complete foods around. In addition to their astonishing nutritional composition, they may also help prevent blood sugar spikes and regulate insulin levels. Several studies have shown that eating almonds or almond products with refined carbohydrates dramatically reduces the "glycemic impact" of that carbohydrate. Additionally, this balancing effect is proportional to quantity; in other words, the more almonds you add, the lower the glycemic response – so load up! High blood sugar levels have been identified as contributing factors of early aging, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes. In addition, almonds have been connected to other health benefits including healthy digestion and fabulous skin. So what’s not to love?

Health Benefits
promote fantastic heart health, lower LDL "bad" cholesterol, promote healthy digestion, may improve blood fat levels, aid in weight loss, promote healthy, glowing skin, support cardiovascular and central nervous system health, contribute to some great energy production, promote healthy bones, combat free radicals, help with PMS symptoms and thyroid health, act as a brain-food & an effective aid in glucose metabolism, provide extra protection against type II diabetes, may help prevent gallstones, and regulate calcium, copper, zinc, potassium, & vitamin D absorption
omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids; manganese, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, tryptophan, copper, riboflavin, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, biotin, protein, and fiber
Did you know?
Almond extract is made from a combination of bitter almond (which is actually inedible because it contains the toxic molecule, hydrogen cyanide; however it's left out of the oil after the extraction process), water, and ethyl alcohol.

blue agave nectar (Light)

Agave nectar is the honey-like sweetener for the common vegan. This 100% plant-based sweetener originated from the blue agave plant, the same cactus from which tequila is derived. The magic factor for this sweetener option is its comparatively lower glycemic index. With a lower-than-average blood sugar spike effect, you'll escape the common sugar-rush experienced from other sweeteners and sugars. Additionally, agave nectar is sweeter than most other sugars (about 1.5 times sweeter than regular table sugar), so less is needed to achieve the same taste, which saves calories for those looking to manage their weight. Plus, we can all rest soundly knowing that, by choosing agave, we are not capitalizing on the fruits of labor from the hard-working honey-bee. Live and let live people!

Health Benefits
blood sugar regulation, aid in weight management, less needed for same sweetness
magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium
Did you know?
The Aztecs have been known to mix agave with salt as a natural remedy for skin infections and wounds.

dates (Medjool)

Looking for a way to naturally refuel and sweeten? Think about using a fruit that is jam-packed with honey-like, brown sugar flavor – the Medjool date. We use very few sweeteners in our kitchen, but Medjool dates are one of our go-to sweeteners for many of our baked goods. And, they are not just plain natural sweeteners, they are fruits fit for a king. Back in the day, due to their rich, sweet flavor, Medjool dates were solely enjoyed by kings and noblemen, while peasants enjoyed the more common, smaller date varieties. Little did these royals know, however, that they were also snacking on a fruit rich in potassium, fiber, and cancer-fighting polyphenol antioxidants. Fit for kings, and now fit for you!

Health Benefits
promotes muscle development, supports intestinal and colon health, increases stamina, lowers blood pressure, supports heart health, combats free radicals and other toxins, low GI index
Potassium, fiber, calcium, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium.
Did you know?
Dates have more potassium than bananas gram per gram!


Apples don’t only taste good, but also provide so many nutritional benefits that it’s hard not to believe the old wives’ tale, “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Since most of the nutrients in apples have antioxidant properties (vitamin C, quercetin, flavonoids & polyphenols), it’s not surprising that apples are believed to help reduce the risk of cancer, have anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits, reduce the risk of chronic disease, regulate blood sugar, and boost the immune system. Specifically, applesauce, made with peeled apples, packs all the same nutrients and health benefits of an apple, but with a little less fiber and vitamin C. Besides its nutritional benefits, applesauce is extremely versatile – it can be used to replace eggs, butter, &/or sweetener in baked goods – we use it as a sweetener for our granola! OUR SOURCE: We get our applesauce from Eden Foods, it’s made with only organic, peeled & cored apples - no added sugars or fillers! Delish!

Health Benefits
may help reduce the risk of cancer & chronic disease, has anti-inflammatory properties, cardiovascular benefits, lowers LDL "bad" cholesterol, supplies benefits of blood sugar regulation, & may help relieve
fiber (including insoluble fiber & pectin), vitamin C, phytonutrient antioxidants (quercetin, flavonoids, & polypenols), potassium, folate, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, & vitamin K

Did you know?

Applesauce has been known to help relieve constipation and diarrhea. It's also one of the best things to add to your pantry if you're an avid baker - it's super versatile.